Diane Frankling Co-operative Homes

Helping Hands Survey

PART ONE – Day to Day Assistance:
We would like to match co-op members with other members who can help with basic errands or chores. Below are some of the tasks we came up with. Please let us know where you might need some assistance and where you might be able to provide some assistance to a neighbour…as always, add anything you think we may have missed.

Task Need Help Can Help
Moving large objects
Light housekeeping
Making light meals
Accompanying to appointments
Taking out recycling
Assistance with pets
Transportation Assistance
Changing lightbulbs
Grocery help

PART TWO – Information about Healthcare Services/Devices
The City and Province have some healthcare services available, if you feel that you would benefit from some in-home care or assistive devices. Please take a look at the following list and indicate (with a check mark or none for each item) whether you would be interested in finding out more about those points. Then, indicate your preferred method of receiving that information: Would you like to see the co-op offer a general information session in the Community Room? Would you like to receive written information at your unit? Would you like co-op staff to provide referrals and appropriate contact information?

Info Session Written Material Staff Referral
Nursing Care
Home maker (Housekeeping help)
Toronto Ride or Wheel Trans
Meals on Wheels
Electric Scooter
Grab bars in shower
Easier door handles
Easier faucets

PART THREE – Social and Educational Planning
DFC strives to offer a variety of programs and events to our membership, to enrich our existence and provide a convenient and welcoming venue for people to connect with their neighbours. These activities also combat the social isolation we might feel, from time-to-time.

These are some of our ideas. Please indicate (with check marks) items that may interest you, and feel free to add your own suggestions:

Bus trips to shopping malls or out of city destinations Trips to local art galleries and museums
Communal dining potlucks Community Gardening
Art Classes Film Nights/Discussions
Healthy Cooking classes Controlling High Blood Pressure
Physical exercise classes Financial Planning
Thai Chi Tax Clinics
Yoga Computer & Internet Courses
Aqua Fitness Where to find volunteer opportunities
Diabetes Awareness / body care

Are there any personal interests or skills that you have that you might be willing to share with the DFC community? If so, please elaborate:

Lastly, please let us know the best way to reach you…
Name: Unit:
Email: Phone: